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YPFTK: Meet Meagan

Meagan Mulligan is no stranger to CMN Hospitals. After founding Montclair Miracles Dance Marathon at Montclair State University, Meagan has remained involved with CMN Hospitals since graduation by continuing to support her alma mater’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon and most recently, becoming a co-chair of Young Professionals for the Kids.

Meagan pictured above with CMNH Champ, Taryn.

When asked why she supports CMN Hospitals, Meagan says:

“I could think of a million reasons why I love and support this organization, but it all circles back to the kids and their families. Seeing how CMNH helps so many kids reach new and previously unforeseen milestones is the ultimate inspiration.”

Meagan, pictured here with CMNH Champ, Ariana (left) and her twin sister, Briana.

We also asked Meagan what her favorite CMNH memory was…

“One of my favorite memories has to be attending my first Dance Marathon because it was there that I first met a family from Children’s Specialized Hospital. Seeing what an amazing relationship the family had with the hospital staff and hearing how much they had all progressed thanks to CSH, made me so proud to support and be a part of such an amazing organization.”

When we began YPFTK in early 2016, Meagan was one of the first to jump on board. She says:

“I didn’t think twice about joining a young professionals group that will not only help me grow in my career, but that also aligns with my passion for supporting Children’s Specialized Hospital. I took on a leadership role because I am excited to introduce other people to such a great cause and to help YPFTK be as successful as possible.”

Thanks, Meagan, for all you do to make miracles happen for our kids!