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Taylor’s Garden

Taylor Pearsall was born in 1994. After suffering complications at birth, she came to live at Children’s Specialized Hospital’s long-term care unit in Mountainside when she was 2 months old.

Taylor was loved and cared for throughout her life by all of the Mountainside staff. From nurses, nurse’s aides and therapist who met her daily medical and therapy needs, to security and housekeeping that came to say “hello” on a regular basis, Taylor was truly loved.  Her Mountainside family, along with our family, worked together to ensure that the goals we set for her were achieved.

As she grew up, Taylor loved to be outside to hear the birds, smell the flowers and fresh air and just have the wind in her hair.  She always enjoyed sitting outside and enjoying nature. To ensure that Taylor and other children who lived in Mountainside could have easy access to the outdoors, her grandparents, John and Jeanne Glass, partnered with the hospital foundation to create a beautiful garden attached to the long-term care unit. Named Taylor’s Garden, this space remains a peaceful and fun spot for all of the patients at the hospital to enjoy.

In her 14-½ years she surprised, amazed and exceeded all outcomes given to her at birth. Taylor was surrounded by people who genuinely loved her, and the smile she gave each person was a true reflection of her gratitude for all the love and care she received.  We are forever thankful that Taylor had a place like Children’s to call her home.