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Meet the Team: Crissy

For a few years Crissy Ramirez would see the Children’s Specialized Hospital bus on Rte. 22 and often wondered if she could ever be a part of this important place. In November of 2014 she happily joined the CMN Hospital Team, which to her surprise was so much more than she had thought, because she has had the privilege to meet some of the most amazing families and children. Assisting a busy team as the Administration Assistant fills her day with lots of appreciation, as everyone helps each other as possible. She continues to be captivated by the hospitals culture and the determination of every employee. Every child here has their own story and the importance of love and kindness is something she can personally understand as she walks into work every day.

Until the age of 12 Crissy lived in New York and since after lives in New Jersey. Two months after graduating high school, she enrolled in Berkeley College where she received a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and dedicated her graduation 100% to her parents. She valued their love, commitment to education, and hard work to give her the best life they could. Event now at 32 years old she prides herself in knowing they are the best of friends.

Married since 2006, she and her husband enjoy life today as parents to two small children along with their retired therapy dog.

After work, daily life is all about their kids running around, a daughter singing as loud as she can, a baby finding his voice to yell at his sister, and the “friendliest” dog snuggling quietly to hide from the kids.

She often reflects on the famous quote, “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier”. – Mother Theresa